Dec 27, 2013

I'm not (too) self-absorbed

When I first started this goal of doing something creative every day and posting the results, I was concerned that it was just a self-absorbed, self-indulgent thing to do. That's something you'll find out if you get to know me at all - I often analyze my own motives for doing things, and I analyze their impact on other people. Consequently, a lot of my sentences start with "I am/was concerned that ..."

This time, I was concerned that I was being self-absorbed and self-indulgent. It's still possible that I am (I don't think anyone is completely immune), but I've noticed something interesting as I remain committed to this goal. It makes me more interested in the projects other people are working on. If someone puts their new song up on the internet, I'm more likely to check it out now. I've been spending more time looking at the creative things my friends are doing. I've been reading more. Instead of becoming consumed by the next thing I'm going to put on display, I have instead begun looking beyond myself more. That was a pleasant surprise.

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