Jul 8, 2014

Update 7/8/14

The good news is that I got video footage yesterday! Yay! The bad news is that I'm exhausted today! Boo! The sad thing is, it wasn't even nice, polished video that made it look like I really knew what I was doing. No, it was crappy video of me sitting on my bed in front of my laptop's webcam, and it still sucked all the energy out of me!

I've realized two things making this video. One is that I'm a female version of Jeff Lewis. The tones and cadences of our speech are very similar. The other is that I need to work on moving my mouth more when I talk. I'm not really sure how to go about improving that, but it's something I'll be thinking about. It's odd; I open my mouth just fine when I sing, but it's like my jaw locks up when I'm just speaking. Any speech therapists, orators, or theater types among my readers who'd like to give me some hints on that?

On a more positive note, my daughter deserves a big thank-you! I realized that I would look and sound more natural if I were talking to a person instead of a camera, so she hung out just above my web cam and let me deliver my pitch to her. She's so helpful!

Now to rest and get my energy back so I can do some (very amateur) editing! There will be naps taken and nuts consumed!

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